Sunday, August 17, 2008

Where have you been?

I have just been waiting around for something good to happen so I could blog about it, but if I keep that up I will never get around to my blog.

This month I was trying to do the "Photo a Day" to scrapbook some pages but I missed a couple days. I suppose on those days I can just say "oops". Let me tell you, finding something interesting to take a picture of every day is hard. And how bad of a mother do you have to be to not take ANY pictures of your kid on his birthday? Yup, Jacob's 15th b-day came and went and I didn't even get any pics of him on his big day. It's not like he was here all was his dad's weekend and the boys didn't get home until after dinner so I'm going to use that as my excuse. Do you suppose I should make another cake and fake some pics? I'm sure Jacob would go along with it if it meant more cake!

Well, that's about it for tonight folks. I'll just leave you with this photo of my kitties...

Elvis & JB: Just showin' the love

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