Saturday, May 28, 2011

How can it be almost June?

I’m not sure, but I’d better start paying more attention. My blog has turned into a newsletter of sorts where I update you on what’s been happening. It works for now.
Last post brought us up to the end of March, so lets see what happened after that….
(I changed the photo to a super close up. I think I was scaring folks with the other)

April Fool’s Day and Jason went in for surgery to repair his hernia (our 5th wedding anniversary, too).  It was a long day for both of us.
April also brought us General Conference for my church. I always love being able to hear the talks and to listen to President Monson.
Before the weather turned too hot, I decided to scalp one of our bushes down to the bare nothing. So long overdue.
I filled 2 1/2 lawn and leaf bags with the clippings. I have to say it was very satisfying to check this off my list.
I’m not sure you can see the cat at the top of the stairs, but he came running into the house late one night with his fur standing up and his tail looking like a bottle brush. He went straight upstairs and huddled on the floor. I took his picture and went out to the family room and took a couple photos (because I’m strange like that)
After I uploaded the pictures to my computer, I noticed what looks like red glowing eyes in the window. I think it’s creepy.
One afternoon, a bird flew in our open door and it was up in the window above the door. It kept flapping it’s wings like it was trying to fly out the window. I sent Jacob to get the ladder while I went to get the pool net so we could rescue the little guy. When Jacob got to the top, there was no bird.
We found it dead under the chair by my computer. I’m guessing he had a heart attack and died from the stress. Poor bird.
We celebrated Easter and got to have all the kids at the house, at the same time, dressed nice. Jason was so smart and got the tripod out for the camera and we got some family photos.
We also got the siblings to pose for some photos.
Jacob went to his first (and probably last) Prom. I’m so glad he had the experience before he finishes high school.
Jacob is now a high school graduate. There were times when I doubted we would see this day. He was very excited.
His class was HUGE. The school did a great job in getting all the student’s names read, and they all were able to walk and get their diplomas.
Even though Jason gets up at 3 in the morning for work, he came with me and stayed until Jacob got his diploma. We were both glad for the breeze that night, and once the sun set behind the hill, it wasn’t too bad.
My boys. Jacob keeps insisting that Jared will be at least 6’5” when he graduates in 3 more years. He very well could be if he keeps growing the way he is.


Carrot Jello said...

I'm glad you put a picture of the Prophet second. So I could clear my head after the first picture. ;)

Suzee said...

Ok, I'm laughing my butt off at Carrot's comment! Ya, a pic of your naked hubby was not on my bucket list of things to see. heehee