Here in this first picture you see our tree and our wonderful yule log burning. Here are my favorite people. Look...they're smiling!
As you know, I'm a Nail Tech and I get great gifts from my clients. This one I just had to share... My client (who is more like a girlfriend) Sheri Nork gave me this WAY cool bottle of vodka. She made her husband go back to the store and get me one after he brought her a bottle home. You see, I introduced her to the Twilight series and she knows how much I love Edward (but not more that you, Jason). I think it is an awesome bottle. It looks like blood inside. Thanks Sheri!
I'm glad to see that you had a great Christmas. And everyone did look happy. Real men who love their wives always give "fat girl" candy gifts. Also, I noticed you use the same kind of yule log as we do. Ron says, Christmas traditions wouldn't be the same without a yule log to warm up the living room :).
Fat girl? Here I was looking at your picture and thinking how cute and thin you looked. Then you had to go and point out your little muffin top. See I never would have even noticed it had you not told me to look for it.
Tootsie rolls huh? My favorite would have to be Almond Roca! It comes in such a pretty pink can...num num toffee!!
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